Sweet Dani B’s Sugar Cookie Cutout Recipe
For years I have been keeping my sugar cookie cutout recipe under wraps in the hope of publishing a book of my cookie creations. While...

Sparkling Strawberry Sangria & Cheddar Cheese “Cookie” Stars
Recipe for Strawberry Sangria and Cheddar Star Savory Cookies

Hello Summer
... And so it begins, "high season" at the Jersey Shore. Today is our first Friday open for the season and of course I will be scrambling...

Sweet Dani B Cookie Kitchen & Petite Party Studio Ribbon Cutting
We had our ribbon cutting yesterday at our new cookie shop in Asbury Park! It was an awesome day! I had hoped to make a speech but the...

A Space Themed Galaxy Birthday Party with Martha Stewart
The Spring issue of Martha Stewart Living features Martha’s grandkid’s “Interstellar” birthday party. I have been lucky enough to be...

The Sweetest Slice
This year, Pizza is my Valentine! I have finally figured out how to merge my 2 very favorite food items… pizza + cookies. I could not be...

Wedding Cake Cookies with Martha Stewart and Macy’s!
I always say ‘my cookies get to go to the coolest parties’ and last night I totally party crashed the fun! I was super excited to be...

Cecelia’s Shop Rite Birthday Party
The ‘apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ is a phrase that could not be more appropriate for the theme of my niece Cecelia’s 3rd...

Santa in Sleigh with Rudolph Cookie
My love for Santa runs deep. My first Santa cookie made its debut a few years ago on the Martha Stewart Show with the Santa and toy bag...

Rainbow Dance Party
Some party themes come together easier than others and in the case of Bette Kane’s 3rd Birthday, “Rainbow Dance Party” just kind of...